Risky Women

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Event Details

The role of Chief Sustainability Officer has never been under more attack - and never more needed. In this complex environment, the CSO needs to navigate corporate politics, focus on impact, use resources judiciously and avoid greenwash. Join author Jennifer Geary as she gives a 60-minute taster of her new online course, "How to be a Chief Sustainability Officer". Co-authored by a CSO with 20 years' experience in the industry, we'll dissect the CSO role, provide a blueprint for success.


  • What it takes to be an effective CSO
  • The linkage between Sustainability, Culture and Strategy
  • Materiality and Impact - your defence against greenwashing
  • Where the Sustainability sector goes from here


Jennifer Geary (Former CRO, author, NED and advisor at The C-Suite Framework)

Jennifer Geary

Former CRO, author, NED and advisor at The C-Suite Framework

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