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Workshop for legal & compliance professionals to learn to produce or improve training that is meaningful, engaging and memorable.

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  1. Understand your audience. Everyone has something to buy and something to sell, especially with legal and compliance. Learn how to identify the different audience types and customer journey.
  2. The Ebbinghaus forgetting curve: Learn why people forget nearly all of what they learn within the first 3 days and how to counter this.
  3. Learn how to apply how our brain works so we can teach people effectively: Understand and be able to use the 4 step process of how our brains learn.
  4. The Reframe Technique: Master the skill of reframing your training content to ensure your audience 'buys' into your message.
  5. The Preframe Approach: Prepare your learners to absorb and retain information. Discover strategies to generate excitement about your content, regardless of length or topic.
  6. Effective Framing: Learn how to structure your content into bite-sized, memorable chunks, making it easily digestible for your audience.
  7. The Postframe Impact: Ensure that your audience not only leaves as 'buyers' today but remains invested in your message for the future.

10:00 GMT / 13:00 Dubai / 17:00 HKT / 19:00 AEST


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